Works Cited Format
Last name of author, First name of author. “Title of the Part of the Book Being Cited.” Title of Anthology.
Edited by First and Last Names, edition* (if any), Publisher, Date, Page(s).
In-Text Citation Format
(Editor’s Last Name p. #*)
* Please note, the in-text citation should be just the number itself and should not include the p., as in the example below.
Works Cited Example
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Edited by Laurie G.
Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Compact 9th ed.*, Cengage Learning, 2017, pp. 379-391.
In-Text Citation Example
(Gilman 381)
*Sometimes the edition may include a qualifier, such as shorter edition or portable edition. When citing an anthology itself, you should include the qualifier before the edition number. For example: Compact 9th ed.
The punctuation in your citations does matter. Make sure you pay attention to where the periods and commas are in the examples.
Warren County Community College
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