When citing more than one selection from the same anthology, a) cite the anthology in full and b) cite, or cross-reference, the individual sections you are using. Use the citation format for the Anthology or Edited Book, as well as the following citation format for the individual sections that you are referencing.
Works Cited Format
Last name of author, First name of author. “Title of the Part of the Book Being Cited.” Last name of editor(s),
Page number(s) of work being cited.
In-Text Citation Format
(Author's Last Name p. #*)
* Please note, the in-text citation should be just the number itself and should not include the p., as in the example below.
Works Cited Example
Boyle, T. Coraghessan. “Greasy Lake.” Kirszner and Mandell, pp. 569-576.
In-Text Citation Example
(Boyle 570)
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Text: 908-652-4445