As you are aware, there are a variety of information sources available to you. As a student, you should not only understand this, but also know how to use as many resources as possible.
Believe it or not, the internet is a fantastic resource that you'll be encouraged to use, but as a college student, you'll be expected to use it wisely! What does that mean? You will be expected to do more than simply Google answers to questions. You'll be expected to evaluate web resources to make sure they're credible.
As a researcher, you always need to avoid fake news!
Click here for information about avoiding fake news!
Library Resources
The WCCC Library has a ton of resources you can use for your assignments, including:
Books and DVDs are physical resources, which means you can find them in the Library.
Databases, academic journals, newspapers, and ebooks are all digital resources which can be accessed through the Library's website. For information on how to use the Library's digital resources, click here.
The Internet
When you use the internet for academic research, you'll need to carefully evaluate the results you find. Remember, you are the one responsible for your own research and if you do not use the correct resources, you could fail an assignment.
When using the internet, you must critically evaluate websites to make sure that they are authoritative, unbiased, current, and accurate before you use them.
(Authoritativepic, 2012)
Also, pay attention to what kind of websites you're looking at. Just because a website has a .edu or a .org url does not mean it is credible! You need to evaluate each website individually and not assume anything based on the URL.
(URL, 2016)
Warren County Community College
Haytaian & Maier Library
475 Route 57 West
Washington, New Jersey 07882
Text: 908-652-4445