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APA 7 Citation Style: Web Page With No Author

Students' guide to APA 7

APA 7 Citation -- Web Page WIth No Author

References List Format

Title of web page. (Year of publication or last updated or copyright).  Title of the website. URL

In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)*

(Title of web page**, Year of publication/last updated/copyright).

In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(Title of web page**, Year of publication/last updated/copyright).

References List Example

The condition of career and college readiness 2019. (2019).  ACT


In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)*

(The Condition**, 2019).


In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(The Condition**, 2019).


*At WCCC, when directly quoting a web page, most professors will not require a page number.  However, outside of WCCC, other colleges might have you cite the paragraph number.  For example: (The Condition, 2019, para 5).


** For the in-text citation, you can either use the entire title of the specific page or you can use the first couple of words as a shortened version of the title if it is too long.

Is a Web Page Credible?


Warren County Community College
Haytaian & Maier Library
475 Route 57 West
Washington, New Jersey 07882
Text: 908-652-4445