References List Format
Last name of author, first and middle initial of author. (Year, Month Day of presentation). Title of presentation [PowerPoint or Lecture notes].
In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)
(Author’s Last Name, Year, slide #(if PowerPoint slides))
In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)
(Author’s Last Name, Year)
References List Example
Wilson-Soga, N. (2019, March 3). The human brain [PowerPoint].
In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)
(Wilson-Soga, 2019, slide 3)
In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)
(Wilson-Soga, 2019)
Warren County Community College
Haytaian & Maier Library
475 Route 57 West
Washington, New Jersey 07882
Text: 908-652-4445