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APA 7 Citation Style: Corporation/Organization As Author

Students' guide to APA 7

APA 7 Citation -- Web Page with a Corporation/Organization as Author

References List Format

Title of the Organization**. (Year, Month Day of publication or last updated or copyrighted). Title of the web

      page. URL

In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)*

(Title of Organization**, Year of publication/last updated/copyright).


In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(Title of Organization**, Year of publication/last updated/copyright).

References List Example

American Psychological Association**.  (2020).  Anxiety.


In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)*

(American Psychology Association, 2020).


In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(American Psychology Association, 2020).


*At WCCC, when directly quoting a web page, most professors will not require a page number.  However, outside of WCCC, other colleges might have you cite the paragraph number.  For example: (American Psychology Association, 2020, para 2).


**Most organization start with article “The”.  When citing the organization, eliminate “The” and include the rest of the title.  For example, rather than using The American Psychological Association, you would cite the organization as American Psychological Association.

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