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APA 7 Citation Style: Textbook as an Anthology or Edited Book

Students' guide to APA 7

APA Citation -- Cengage Textbook as an Anthology or Edited Book

References List Format

Last name of editor, First and middle initial of editor. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of book (edition if

     any). Publisher. URL

In-Text Citation Format (Direct Quote)

(Editor’s Last Name, Year of publication, p. #*)


In-Text Citation Format (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(Editor’s Last Name, Year of publication)


*If the page number is not available, you should include either the chapter number or the section number.

References List Example

Jennings, M. M. (Ed.). (2017). Business ethics: Case studies and selected readings (9th ed.). Cengage.


In-Text Citation Example (Direct Quote)

(Jennings, 2017, sec. 3.7)


In-Text Citation Example (Paraphrased or Summarized)

(Jennings, 2017)

Quick Note:  If you have more than one editor, you would follow the same rules for citing books.  The only difference would be adding (Eds.) after the editors' information.  

General Information About Citations

When writing an APA paper you use two types of citations: 

  1. in-text (or parenthetical) citation
  2. References page citation. 

These citations are directly linked.  Any in-text citation should reflect a citation in your References page at the end of your APA paper.

The in-text citation is a brief reference to your source which then leads your reader to your References page for the full citation. 


A Word About Punctuation

The punctuation in your citations does matter.  Make sure you pay attention to where the periods and commas are in the examples. 

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