Works Cited List Format
Last name of author, First name of author. “Title of the Article.” Title of Journal, Volume number, Issue
number, Date, Pages (if any), URL. Accessed Date.
In-Text Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name p.#* (if available))
* Please note, the in-text citation should be just the number itself and should not include the p.
Works Cited List Example
Volken, Thomas. “Elements of Trust: The Cultural Dimension of Internet Diffusion Revisited.” The Electronic
Journal of Sociology, vol. 6, no. 4, Oct. 2002,
Accessed 25 Aug. 2016.
In-Text Citation Example
Warren County Community College
Haytaian & Maier Library
475 Route 57 West
Washington, New Jersey 07882
Text: 908-652-4445