Works Cited List Format
Last name of author, First name of author. “Title of the Part of the Book Being Cited.” Title of Anthology.
Edited by First and Last Names, edition (if any), Publisher, Date, Chapter. Platform. Accessed Date.
In-Text Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name p. #*)
*If the page number is not available, you should include either the chapter number or the section number. Also, the in-text citation should be just the number and should not include p.
Works Cited List Example
Angelou, Maya. “My Name is Margaret.” The River Reader. Edited by Joseph F. Trimmer, 12th ed., Cengage
Learning, 2017, ch. 1. Cengage Mobile. Accessed 15 Jan. 2019.
In-Text Citation Example
(Angelou ch. 1)
Warren County Community College
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475 Route 57 West
Washington, New Jersey 07882
Text: 908-652-4445